Sermons by Books of the Bible

Our sermon page has a new feature. We’ve added the ability to search our sermon archives by Books of the Bible. Please note: If a no sermons found message appears, it indicates that a sermon for that specific book of the Bible has not been preached.

Everything changed for Jacob when he let God have control of his life. Now God could do His work through Jacob. Now Jacob would have power with God. Jacob made…
God's plan and design is perfect. God created two genders, male and female, according to His perfect plan. And the woman has a special role to fulfill in God's plan.…
God will carry out His work in our lives. Satan cannot hinder God's work. God uses all the circumstances in our lives, both good and bad, for His purpose and…
God never left Joseph. No matter where Joseph was or what Joseph was facing God was with Him. And God is with us every step of the way. His plan…
Just when things started to look up for Joseph he had another setback. But God was using that pause to do His work. Let's learn to wait patiently for the…
God's plan becomes visible to Joseph. The good starts to come out of the bad. But it is only a reminder that God is working out His perfect plan in…
Joseph's brothers thought they got away with their sin of selling Joseph into slavery. But they did not. God saw it all. And God knows how to bring justice to…
God's plan is bigger than we can imagine. Let's trust God as He carries out His perfect plan in our lives and in the world. I. God's sovereignty (45:1-15) A.…

God's glory is always present, even though we may not see it. Let's keep our eyes on God and follow Him.
Bread is a basic necessity. And having bread, we have all that we need. Are you thankful for what you have?

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Guest speaker Jeff Black

God is our refuge and strength. He will hide us under His wings. But we must choose to rest in Him.

The life of victory starts with strength and courage in the Lord. God gives us the strength that we need. Let's find our courage in Him and see victory as…
Immediate and committed obedience will lead to victory in the Christian life. May God give you victory as you walk daily in immediate and committed obedience to His Word!
God encourages our faith. God gives us the victory as we walk by faith. And God saves the lost through repentance and faith in Jesus. Are you seeing victory as…
God does His work so that we will trust His mighty hand in our lives. Let your faith be strengthened as you see God's mighty hand in His Word.
Israel could not move on until they took care of something that was hindering God's work in their lives. Do we need to "clear the way" for God's blessing to…
When we start with God, we see victory. We must walk by faith and obedience to know success in our lives.
Sin in our lives will hinder God's work. We must repent and confess our sin and turn back to God.
Israel learned their lesson. They commit to walking in God's way. Will we?
Satan can easily deceive us because of our lack of knowledge. But God can give us His wisdom and counsel to protect us. Seek counsel in God's Word in order…

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Jealousy is a sin that destroys lives. Listen as God's Word warns us about the marks of jealousy.

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God must be the center of our lives. Everything must rotate around Him. When we get away from God we find ourselves in trouble. Commit this year to keep God…

Asa did not seek God's help in his time of need. Will you seek the Lord?

God calls His people to worship Him and to serve Him. God calls us out of the world and to Himself. God wants a vibrant and living church that is…
Worship must be the center of our lives. Everything starts with God. And if He is the center then we will do the right things as we live each day.…
Satan wants to hinder God's work in your life. Satan wants to keep you from serving the Lord. But God wants you to be strong in Him. God wants you…
God's power is at work on the behalf of His people. God is sovereign. He will do His work by His power. But we must trust Him. We must walk…
God is at work among His people. And a prepared heart will allow God to use us in His work. Ezra was prepared and God opened the door for him…
We have a work to do that we must be faithful to carry out in our lives. But that work will not be successful without God. So we must pray.…
Our good Shepherd restores our soul when we are turned away from Him. And we often need restored. David needed the joy of his salvation restored to him. Do you…

God wants us to be mindful of His wonders. God's good work is seen in our lives. Let's rejoice in His goodness.
God's work is the only work that matters. And God's work will be accomplished. God's work will stand when everything else comes to an end. Are you about the Father's…
How is God's work accomplished today? It is accomplished as God's people surrender themselves to God and allow God to use them. Are you surrendered to God's will for your…
Satan does not like to see God's work being done. So he tries to hinder the work in many different ways. Let's be aware of the enemies attempts to hinder…
We all need renewed in our joy and hope in God. And God does renew us through His Word. God's Word must be central in our walk with God. That…
Hearing God in His Word will lead to revival. Part of revival is rejoicing in the Lord. And part of revival is repenting of sin and turning from our wicked…
"Take my life and let it be" should the theme song of every believer. Our lives are to be lived for God's glory. Let's dedicate everything to God. And let's…

God is working out His perfect plan in this world. And we have a part to play in it as His people. Find out what God is doing in your…
Satan has a plan. He is at work to destroy God's people. But God already knows what Satan is doing. And God already has a plan to thwart him. Keep…
God does have a plan for our lives. God is working out that plan in all the circumstances that we face. Will we be faithful to God's calling? Will we…
God is in charge, not man. And when we try to fight against God, we lose every time. But when we trust God we can rest in His providence and…
The story of Esther ends in celebration as God defeats the enemy. God's sovereignty leads to victory for His people. We can trust God's plan for our lives too. God…

God is high and lifted up in majesty and glory. He is high above His creation. He is God alone. Job needed to know this. And we need to be…

Sorrow and suffering is real. Jesus suffered. But there is victory through Jesus. Let's praise the Lord for His wonderful salvation. I. Suffering and death (vs.1-21) A. God listens when…
Our living Savior is now our Good Shepherd. He cares for His people as the sheep of His pasture. And He will lead us safely home. Rejoice today if the…
Jesus is the King of Glory. The suffering Lamb is the conquering King. Let's seek Him and His glory in our lives. I. "The earth is the Lord's" (vs.1-2) A.…
Guest speaker Jim Fry encourages us in how to deal with the trials and difficulties of our lives.
God's people have a joy that the world does not understand. We have a fountain of living water that keeps us singing praises to God. God is good. Keep your…
Guest speaker Jeff Black
The righteous remnant in America is disturbed by all the sin and evil around them. But there is hope. God's mercy is our need. So we can trust in the…
The Bible is essential for the church and for the individual believer. We must stand firm on the Word of God.
We all need renewed and refreshed in the Lord. Ask God to rejoice your heart in Him for His glory and honor.
Revival does happen. It happened in the past, and it can still happen today. Let's pray for a corporate, church-wide, Spirit-led revival.

Just like a mother who seeks the Lord on behalf of her children, so we should seek the Lord in our lives and trust in Him.

God wants us to rejoice in what He is doing in our lives instead of looking for something else that we think will satisfy us. When we count our blessings…
God makes no mistakes. Listen as Isaiah this truth from God's Word.

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Guest Speaker Missionary Bruce Busch
Everyone is talking about peace today. And we are celebrating the birth of the Prince of Peace? Does the world see it? Do you see it?

God is good. And He is carrying out a good work in the lives of His people. It is our part to trust God and to submit to His plan.…
God brings life to us in our death. His new covenant in Jesus is the answer for our forgiveness and cleansing. Are you rejoicing in the Lord and in His…
God made a promise. And He will keep His word. The New Covenant is fulfilled in Jesus. And we have all the blessings of eternal life in Jesus. Is Jesus…
God's Word will never pass away. God's Word will always stand. We cannot change what God has said. God calls us instead to trust Him and to obey His Word.…
The battle is real. Resistance does come to the faithful follower of Jesus. But God will carry us through. God will protect His servants. Let's press on trusting God's protection…
God always keeps His Word. God's Word will always come to pass. Let's submit to God and obey Him. Then we can rejoice in His good work carried out in…

In the darkest of days when all seems lost God is still God. God's mercy and compassion and faithfulness is our hope every day. Let's quietly wait on the Lord.…

God's glory is what this world is all about. It's what the Christian life is all about. Let's get a glimpse of God's glory in His Word. And let's worship…
God sends His people out to do His work. Do you see yourself as a servant of God? Are you doing what God wants you to do? Serving God will…
God's glory is what makes the difference in the lives of God's people. And God will protect His glory. God will not allow us to profane His glory. God gives…
The Bible teaches personal responsibility. We must all give a personal account to God. And we are responsible for our decisions. Don't shift the blame to others. Take personal responsibility…
Satan's kingdom is real. It is made up of the blinded hearts of sinners that follow Satan's lies. But that kingdom will fall. God is greater than every power, including…
The watchman is warning God's people. But the people are not listening. Have you heard God's Word in your life? Are you doing what God says because you love Him…
God's blessing changes everything. And that is what we need in our lives and in our world today. Let's pray for God's kingdom to come. Let's pray for those showers…
God's work makes all the difference. And God's Spirit is how God works in our lives and in His church. Let's pray for the power of the Spirit to revive…
God is looking for faithful men who will be spiritual leaders with godly courage and boldness. Can God find a man like that today? Say with Isaiah, "Here am I,…

God wants us to be a testimony for Him in this dark world. Will you purpose in your heart to be holy and righteous so that God can use you…
A bold believer has an answer in the midst of the confusion all around us today. Do you know your God? Are you ready to give an answer to those…
God is looking for those that will stand for the truth in our wicked day. God will glorify His name through the faithful witness of His people. Will you stand…
God is in charge. We all need to learn that truth. And God will bring down those who walk in pride. Daniel tries to keep the king of Babylon from…
Nobody resists God and wins. The king in our passage today learned that lesson the hard way. Let's learn the lesson by example instead of by experience. Let's humble ourselves…
Daniel continued to have a godly testimony in the midst of the darkness around him. And when his faith was tried he came out shining like gold. Let's let our…

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Guest speaker Missionary Dan Tessin. There will not be a pm message with our missionary update.
The judgment of God will take us by surprise if we aren't listening to God's warnings. Let's walk in humility and surrender before God so we can know God's goodness.

Listen to Missionary Dan Tessin explain the wonderful message of Obadiah.

Two great cities with two different ends. This message gives the positive ending of one of the cities. The PM message will give the negative ending of the second city.…

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We have a lot to be thankful for. And the source of all our blessings is the love of God. God sings over His children because of His great love.…
God's love is the foundation for the believer. God's love will never end. We can rest in that love no matter what is happening around us. Rejoice in God's love…

A great work can be done through God's people. But we must be centered on God. We must love Him with all our heart. The world will keep us from…
God wants us to focus on what really matters as we serve Him. And what really matters is not temporary and physical. What matters is the glory of God. What…
God is holy. And we must be holy if we want to fellowship with Him. Sin will hinder our walk with God. So God warns us about the pollution of…

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Worship takes thought. We must honor and reverence God in our worship. We must give Him our best. Does your worship show how much you value God above everything else?…
God's glory is the goal of the Christian life. But sin will hinder God's work. Sin will not allow God to bless His people for His glory. Don't let sin…
God's message is proclaimed by God's messengers. But the center of every message is the One Messenger, Jesus Christ, Who brings about the fulfilment of God's covenant. Are we listening…
There is a bright hope ahead for those that walk with God and trust in Him. The Sun of Righteousness will rise with healing in His wings. The end of…

Guest speaker Missionary Steve Gualt
Womanhood and motherhood are God-given roles that only a woman can fulfill. And God wants women to know how valuable their role is a lady, a wife, and a mother.
Everything changes when we turn our eyes upon Jesus. We gain a new perspective on this life. And we live for what matters. We live for the things of eternity.…
"He is not here: for He is risen, as He said." That is the truth. And the truth will not be stopped. Jesus prevailed over death and the grave because…
The child of God lives like a child of God. Life in the kingdom is different than life in the world. And it starts with a different attitude and heart.…
There is something different about a true believer. He is not simply religious. He loves God with all his heart. He lives out a true righteousness that comes from within.…
True service comes from a heart of love for God. The wrong motive in serving God is to seek man's attention and praise. Jesus calls that hypocritical. Serve God for…
The true follower of Jesus has a focus that is heavenly, not earthly. We must seek first the kingdom of God. We must lay up treasures in heaven. That is…
Jesus changes us from the inside out. And that affects how we relate to those around us. We are not quick to condemn and judge others. We instead examine our…
God wants us to pray with confidence. He is our Father in heaven. And He gives good things to His children. Keep praying. God is listening and He will do…

The resurrection comes after the cross. And the cross is when Jesus took our place to save us from the condemnation of our sin. One man's story gives us a…
Three more attributes cause us to glorify our Savior for His perfection.

Jesus is the Passover Lamb that saves us from the wrath and judgment of God. His blood is the New Covenant that God has made with us. Our sins can…
Humility is not natural to man. But humility is what we see in Jesus as our Savior. So seeing Jesus's example helps us follow in His steps. And humility allows…
Jesus continues to set the example for us as He heads toward the cross. Not only is He the humble servant of God, He is also the sober and surrendered…
Jesus is the faithful witness. He stood firmly in God no matter the threats and abuse of the wicked. And He left us an example to follow. Let's determine to…
The cross has a message for us. And God helps us understand the message through the events surrounding the crucifixion of Jesus. Let God show you what the cross means.…
The end of the life and ministry of Jesus is really just the beginning. He did die. He was buried. But He rose from the grave the third day. And…
What is the work of the Church? Why is the Church here? If we do not know the goal or purpose of the church then we will not accomplish our…
The mission of the church is clear. Jesus tells us where we go from the cross and empty grave. We go into all the world with the good news of…
Enjoy the special music (Darlene Senft singing and Alyssa Long playing the piano) and the children's Christmas play followed by a brief message from God's Word as we celebrate Christmas…

Christmas is God's gift of a Savior to a lost world. And God's gift comes from His heart of love for the sinner. Have you received the greatest gift, the…
God is speaking to His people. And He speaks to us through His Word. Do you value and cherish the Word of God in your life? Do you listen as…
Listen as Evangelist Will Geiseman opens up God's Word.
The truth is found in Jesus. Knowing Him is vital. Let's learn about Jesus through this wonderful book, the Gospel of John.
The Lamb of God is identified for us by John the Baptist. Jesus is the Son of God that does God's work to save us from our sin. Only Jesus…
Do you have the joy of the Lord because Jesus has changed your life? Are you feasting on the wine of God's grace in Jesus?
What's more important, the temple or the Savior? What do you value- your religion or Jesus?
Only Jesus can give us spiritual life. Have you been born again, born from above?
It's all about Jesus. That's the story we tell. He is the One who changes lives.
Do you have a well of water springing up into everlasting life in you? Jesus will give you eternal life if you will believe on Him.

A glorious future awaits the people of God. We are heirs with Jesus of glory and victory and triumph and life. Let's live in hope of the glory to come.…

Everything starts with the gospel. It is the foundation of eternal life for every individual soul. And it is the foundation for every true and faithful fellowship of God's people.…
We won't recognize our need for help until we see how desperate our situation is. The first part of the message of the gospel is man's sin and unrighteousness. We…
The Bible says that we are all sinners. But not everyone admits that. Some think that they are good enough to get to heaven on their own. But God reminds…
God's Word is clear that we are all sinners. But we do not like to admit that fact. We make up many excuses as for why we are not wrong.…
There is a way for sinners to be justified and made right with God. And it is through Jesus Christ, the sacrifice for our sin. Praise the Lord for the…
"For by grace are ye saved by faith." Abraham is a picture and lesson in what it means to trust God for salvation. Have you been saved by faith in…
To be declared right before God makes all the difference in our lives. A sinner is made a friend of God through faith in Jesus. And the results are wonderful!…
God brought together a wonderful illustration of our passage. A young girl followed the Lord in believer's baptism at the conclusion of our service, and the family gave permission to…

The only hope we have is in Jesus. We are nothing in ourselves. Our wisdom and strength fails us every time. We need Jesus. And Jesus gives us what we…
Salvation is just the start of our new life in Jesus. Once we are saved we grow in our walk with God. We mature in our faith. And that happens…
We are all building our lives with some sort of material. The question is are you building your life with the things of God, the things that will last for…
Christmas is a testimony to God's wisdom and power. The world sees weakness and foolishness, but the Bible shows us God's power and wisdom at Jesus's birth. And now we…
Holiness and righteousness does not just happen. We must fight the good fight of faith. We must practice self-discipline and vigilance. God is faithful. And we can have the victory.…
Everyone in the church has a part to play in God's work. Find your role and do it to the best of your ability for the glory of God!

God wants to build His people up as an holy temple to bring honor and glory to His name. Don't let anything hinder God's work in your life. Come out…
The resurrection should change our lives. If Jesus lives in us then our lives should be different. Do you know this change? Has the resurrection made a difference in your…
Is your life a reflection of God's goodness by how you speak and act? Is your life bringing thanksgiving to God as you live for God each day?
Missionary Jim Miller explains the heart of missions in 2 Corinthians 4:1-5:21.
The work of the Spirit is vital in the church. We are only changed by the Spirit of God. We need God's Spirit to be at work.
A saved person is a changed person. The fruit of the Spirit is the evidence of that change. Are you bearing the fruit of righteousness and holiness?

There is only one message of salvation. Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man cometh unto the Father but by me." Many have changed…
The truth of the gospel is found in God's Word. And it must be protected from false teachers and from man's misunderstanding. Faith in Jesus Christ is the only way…

God keeps His word. God never fails to do what He says. And God's promise of life in Jesus was fulfilled. Have you received that promise by faith? Are you…
Our position in Jesus changes everything. Instead of being in bondage to the Law and sin, we are now children of God. We are heirs with Christ. We live in…
The Christian life begins by God's grace. And that life continues by God's grace. So God calls us to walk by faith in Jesus. The temptation is to rely on…
Salvation in Jesus leads to a changed life. True change comes from Jesus as the Holy Spirit lives in us. The challenge is to walk in the Spirit. Which is…
Walking in the Spirit leads to spiritual life. And that spiritual life will show itself in different ways. Is your life a reflection of the control of the Holy Spirit?…

The Holy Spirit produces the likeness of Jesus in our relationship with others. Do you relate to others in the flesh, or in the Spirit?

Things are changing in our world. And the main concern is how wickedness and evil is increasing in our day. Are you spiritually prepared to fight the good fight of…
The cross is at the center of our new life in Jesus. Without the cross we are still separated from God in our sin. Are you celebrating the cross in…
Let's live "from henceforth" in the new life that Jesus gives us in Him.

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God has provided for our every need in Jesus. The fullness of God is found in Him. And we are complete in Him. Build yourself on Jesus. Be rooted and…

Guest speaker Missionary Filip Le Roux

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Men have an awesome responsibility in their homes. They are called to be the leaders for God. The challenge is to be an example of the believer, of a follower…
The church needs a firm foundation in these last days. We must stand on the truth. We must never waver from the gospel of Jesus Christ. Let's be the church…
The church belongs to Jesus. And He tells us how His church should look. If we are going to be a biblical and God-honoring people, then we must follow God's…
The church is organized according to God's direction. And the leadership is head to God's standard. That is what the church is follow. Spiritual traits is what matters most. I.…
The Church stands on the solid rock of truth. And that truth is centered in the Person of Jesus Christ. So the churches one foundation is Jesus Christ her Lord.…
Satan seeks to undermine the church, the pillar and ground of the truth. And he does it through false teaching. Satan has succeeded in pulling many away from the faith.…
God gives His church help in big and small matters. If we are seeking the Lord in the small things God will lead us in both the small things and…
What is true gain? What should we be living for? Paul challenges Timothy and the church to fight against the love of this world. We must pursue the things that…

The Bible has 66 books that make one book. The Bible is one book with one message- salvation in Jesus's name. Let this message give you the big picture of…
We need to be strengthened in our faith so that we can stand strong in these last days. Let's live in the power of God. Let's be confident in God's…
Being a good soldier takes effort. And God helps us be a good soldier for Him. Paul's instruction to Timothy is meant for us today. Let's fight the good fight…
God wants to use us in His work. But we must be a vessel, a tool that God can use. Will you be a vessel fit for the Master's use?…
This world is not friendly to the faithful follower of Jesus. Resistance will come to those who are godly. But God is faithful. And the Bible is a solid foundation…
The world needs to hear the truth. That is the only thing that will make a difference today. But many don't want to hear it. So God calls us to…
Paul's testimony is a testimony about the faithfulness of God in his life. Man failed Paul often, but God never failed Paul. And God will never fail you. Press on…
The believer has a firm foundation to stand on as he heads into a New Year. God is our Solid Rock.

The Church has a foundation. And it is Jesus and His Word. Is the church today set in order according to the truth? Are we on the right path, following…
The church is set in order when it is living according to the truth of God's Word. Sound doctrine is vital if a church is going to be set in…
God created us in Jesus for good works. Those good works glorify God in our lives. Are you being fruitful in good works? Are you serving God and living for…

Philemon is a little book with a big message. Love should govern how we respond to those around us. Let's do everything for love's sake. I. Serving by love (vs.1-7)…

Jesus came into the world to be the final sacrifice for sin. And His sacrifice is sufficient. He perfects the believer forever. Our only hope is Jesus. We need His…
Jesus has a name that is above all names. He is high and lifted up in all His glory. And God wants us to see how high Jesus is. Exalt…
God has provided a great salvation for fallen man. God created us for glory and honor. But sin has hindered that purpose. "But we see Jesus" is God's answer for…
The Captain of our salvation is faithful. Our Savior is the Apostle and High Priest of our faith. We can trust Him. He will lead us to victory and blessing…
After challenging us to believe and to trust Him God next encourages us to enter into the rest that He has promised to us. Are you resting in Jesus as…
God wants us to live in fellowship with Him. That is why He created us. But sin separates us from God. And God's plan is to restore us to Him…
Are you growing in your faith? Is there evidence of maturity and change? Let's move on in this new year to perfection, to maturity. Let's receive God's work and grow…
Do you have hope today? Do you have an anchor for your soul? Jesus is the only hope for every man. Jesus is the only foundation that will never be…
The earthly High Priest in Israel was weak because he was a man. Our perfect High Priest in Heaven is strong and eternal because He is the Son of God.…
Everything changes with God's New Covenant. And it all starts in the heart. Jesus brings new life within that changes everything. I. A more excellent ministry (vs.1-6) A. A minister…

Listen as Evangelist Will Geiseman preaches from God's Word.

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Missionary Rob Hagerty

The truth is a solid foundation in these days of error and false teaching. Do you know Jesus? Do you know the truth?
Fellowship with God is possible because of Jesus. But fellowship must be maintained. Are you living in fellowship with God?
If Jesus is in you, He will be seen in how you live. Are you keeping God's commands?
We will stand firm in Jesus if we love Him with all our heart. Don't let the world pull you away from God.
False teaching is everywhere. But we have the Holy Spirit and the truth to keep us secure. Let's stand firm in these last days.
Jesus is coming back for us. This hope keeps us from sin. Let's walk in righteousness as we wait for Jesus to return.
A heart of love is real for the believer. This assurance confirms our life in Christ. Is a love for the brethren in Christ a reality in your life?
The Holy Spirit is the greatest resource the believer has in these last days. He will keep us from error as we walk in the Spirit.

Father's Day is a good opportunity to remind ourselves of God's plan to pass on the faith to the next generation. Let's be those godly parents that pass on the…
The truth matters. And John writes to a dear lady because of the importance of the truth. What challenge do we need to hear because the truth is vital in…

Are you spiritually healthy? Are you prospering in the truth?

Contention comes when two different world beliefs collide. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. We must fight for that truth in these last days.
The false teachers are described and their judgment is revealed. Meanwhile, God's people are encouraged to walk with God. Let's keep ourselves in the love of God in these last…

Sorry about the video mistakes. The missionary steps out of the camera a few times. But the message is still heard. Listen and be challenged.
God does have a plan and purpose for our lives and this world. Do you know what that plan is? We can sum it up in 4 main points. Knowing…
The risen Savior is the King of kings and Lord of lords! And we have victory in Him.
Our home is in heaven. And what does that home look like? God's Word gives us a picture of the city we will live in for all of eternity.
Babylon shows us the picture of ruin as she turned completely from God. Will this be America's lot?