July 9, 2023

7-9-23AM- “Saved By Faith”

Series: ,
Passage: Romans 4:1-25
Service Type:

“For by grace are ye saved by faith.” Abraham is a picture and lesson in what it means to trust God for salvation. Have you been saved by faith in Jesus?
I. We are saved without works (vs.1-8)
A. No boasting (vs.2)
B. Believed God (vs.3)
C. Received grace (vs.4-8)
II. Everyone is saved the same way (vs.9-16)
A. The father of circumcision (vs.9-12)
B. The righteousness of faith (vs.13-17a)
III. We must follow Abraham’s example (vs.16-25)
A. Abraham believed God (vs.16-18)
B. Abraham was fully persuaded (vs.19-22)
C. We must believe God’s promise (vs.23-25)
