December 5, 2021

12-5-21AM “The Perfect Sacrifice”

Series: ,
Passage: Hebrews 9:24-10:18
Service Type:

Jesus came into the world to be the final sacrifice for sin. And His sacrifice is sufficient. He perfects the believer forever. Our only hope is Jesus. We need His sacrifice to save us from our sin. Have you accepted Jesus as your Savior?
I. Once offered (9:24-28)
A. Suffered once (vs.24-26)
B. Came once (vs.27-28)
II. A sufficient sacrifice (10:1-9)
A. Sin not purged (vs.1-4)
B. A body prepared (vs.5-9)
III. Perfected forever (10:10-18)
A. Jesus sat down (vs.10-14)
B. Jesus fulfilled the new covenant (vs.15-18)
