January 8, 2023

1-8-23AM “Revival and Renewal”

Series: ,
Passage: Nehemiah 8:1-18
Service Type:

We all need renewed in our joy and hope in God. And God does renew us through His Word. God’s Word must be central in our walk with God. That is how God will work in our lives. Commit to a constant and faithful walk in God’s Word in this new year, and watch God do His work in your life for His glory.
I. Hearing God’s Word (vs.1-8)
A. God’s Word was sought (vs.1, 3, 5)
B. God’s Word was read (vs.2-4, 6)
C. God’s Word was explained (vs.7-8)
II. Rejoicing in the Lord (vs.9-18)
A. “The joy of the Lord” (vs.9-12)
B. “Very great gladness” (vs.13-18
