3-27-22AM “No More A Servant, But A Son”
Our position in Jesus changes everything. Instead of being in bondage to the Law and sin, we are now children of God. We are heirs with Christ. We live in a relationship with God as our Father. Are you living in that relationship? Or are you living in bondage to works?
I. Redeemed from the Law (vs.1-7)
A. Serving the Law (vs.1-2)
B. Set free from the Law (vs.3-5)
C. An heir of God (vs.6-7)
II. Led astray by wrong influences (vs.8-18)
A. The emptiness of the Law (vs.8-11)
B. The power of the gospel (vs.12-16)
C. The wrong influences (vs.17-18)
Galatians 4