November 6, 2022

11-6-22PM “Spiritual Rest and Victory- Part 2”

Series: ,
Passage: Hebrews 3:1-4:16
Service Type:

After challenging us to believe and to trust Him God next encourages us to enter into the rest that He has promised to us. Are you resting in Jesus as your all in all? Are you walking by faith and trusting Him each day? Rest in God.
I. A promise of rest (4:1-5)
A. The good news (vs.2)
B. The promised rest (vs.3-5)
II. A rest for us (4:6-10)
A. Rest is still available to us (vs.6-8)
B. Rest is ceasing from our own efforts (vs.9-10)
III. Entering that rest (4:11-16)
A. Receiving God's Word (vs.12-13)
B. Relying on God's grace (vs.14-16)
