October 24, 2021

10-24-21PM “The Last Passover”

Series: ,
Passage: Luke 22:1-23
Service Type:

Jesus is the Passover Lamb that saves us from the wrath and judgment of God. His blood is the New Covenant that God has made with us. Our sins can be forgiven and we can be cleansed because Jesus died for us. Have you been washed in the blood of the Lamb?
I. Judas betrays Jesus for money (vs.1-6)
A. The religious leaders want Jesus dead (vs.1-2)
B. Satan wants Jesus dead (vs.3)
C. Judas wants money (vs.4-6)
II. The last Passover is prepared (vs.7-13)
III. Jesus fulfills the Passover’s meaning (vs.14-23)
A. The kingdom of God (vs.16-18)
B. The New Covenant (vs.19-20)
1. The bread (vs.19)
2. The wine (vs.20)
C. The planned way (vs.21-23)
