November 27, 2022

11-27-22AM “Finishing the Work”

Series: ,
Passage: Nehemiah 3:1-4:6
Service Type:

How is God’s work accomplished today? It is accomplished as God’s people surrender themselves to God and allow God to use them. Are you surrendered to God’s will for your life? Will you do your part in God’s work? Will you have a mind to work for the Lord?
I. Surrendered to God (2:18)
A. God’s will (vs.18)
B. God’s strength (vs.18)
II. Faithful to do our part (3:1-32)
A. Everyone served (vs.1, 12)
B. Some refused to work (vs.5)
C. Everyone’s part was important (vs.3, 6, 13-15)
D. They repaired earnestly (vs.20)
III. Resisting the enemy (4:1-6)
A. Discouragement (vs.1-3)
B. Confidence in God (vs.4-6)
