March 13, 2022

3-13-22AM “Building Your Life in the Lord”

Series: ,
Passage: 1 Corinthians 3:1-17
Service Type:

We are all building our lives with some sort of material. The question is are you building your life with the things of God, the things that will last for eternity. Live your life seeking first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. Live for what matters.
I. A carnal Christian (vs.1-4)
A. A lack of growth (vs.1-2)
B. Hindered by the flesh (vs.3-4)
II. The work of God (vs.5-9)
A. What is man (vs.5-7)?
B. God is at work (vs.8-9)
III. Building a godly life (vs.10-17)
A. A solid foundation (vs.10-11)
B. Building with proper materials (vs.12-15)
C. The temple of God (vs.16-17)
