2-19-23PM- “God Resisteth the Proud”
Nobody resists God and wins. The king in our passage today learned that lesson the hard way. Let’s learn the lesson by example instead of by experience. Let’s humble ourselves before God so that He can lift us up for His glory and honor.
I. A wicked king (vs.1-4)
II. A troubled king (vs.5-9)
A. The handwriting on the wall (vs.5)
B. The fear of the king (vs.6-9)
III. A faithful witness (vs.10-16)
A. The queen’s testimony (vs.10-12)
B. The king’s request (vs.13-16)
IV. A clear message (vs.17-28)
A. Lifted up against God (vs.18-23)
B. Facing God’s judgment (vs.24-28)
V. A hard heart (vs.29-31)
Daniel 5