Missionary Visit

We are glad to have Rob and Sherry Hagerty with us today. We will have a meal together with our missionaries at 5:30 this evening so that Rob and Sherry can update us on their ministry. Bring some sandwiches and desserts to share. The love offering plates are also out at the back to give to the Hagerty’s.

Teen Camp

Our last teen will be going to camp this next week. Pray for God to continue His work through this wonderful ministry.

Missionary Visit

Rob and Sherry Hagerty will be with us next Sunday, July 21. Rob will be preaching in the 10:30 morning service. We will have a meal together with our missionaries at 5:30 that evening. After the meal, the Hagertys will share about their work with deputation missionaries.

Junior Camp

Junior camp starts tomorrow, July 8. We have 5 kids going from our church. Be praying for God to work in their hearts during this special week at camp.

VBS Meal

We will have a meal together this morning following the morning worship service. All are invited to join us as we celebrate a great week of ministry at VBS. There will not be an evening service tonight.

Vacation Bible School

VBS begins tomorrow morning at 10:00 and will continue each day from 10:00-12:00. Be praying for God to work as we teach the Bible to those that will be here.

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