May 14, 2023

5-14-23AM- “The Mother of All Living”

Series: ,
Passage: Genesis 1:26-28, Genesis 2:15-25, Genesis 3:20, Genesis 4:1
Service Type:

God’s plan and design is perfect. God created two genders, male and female, according to His perfect plan. And the woman has a special role to fulfill in God’s plan. She is the only one that can bear children. Let’s start with God and rejoice in His perfect design.
I. Two distinct genders (Genesis 1:26-28)
A. Male and female (vs.26-27)
B. Being fruitful (vs.28)
II. A specific female role (Genesis 2:15-25)
A. The man’s need (vs.15-20)
B. The woman’s appearance (vs.21-23)
C. God’s design (vs.24-25)
III. The uniqueness of child-bearing (Genesis 3:20; 4:1)
A. Adam’s faith (3:20)
B. Eve’s blessing (4:1)