November 14, 2021

11-14-21PM “Faithful to the End”

Series: ,
Passage: Luke 22:54-23:25
Service Type:

Jesus is the faithful witness. He stood firmly in God no matter the threats and abuse of the wicked. And He left us an example to follow. Let’s determine to be faithful to the end in this world. Let’s be a witness for God as we stand in the evil day.
I. Peter’s denial (22:54-62)
A. The challenge (vs.55-60)
B. The sorrow (vs.61-62)
II. Jesus’s steadfastness (22:63-23:25)
A. Mocking (22:63-65)
B. Rejection (22:66-71)
C. False accusation (23:1-12)
D. Sentenced to death (23:13-25)
