10-2-22PM “Practical Issues in the Church”
God gives His church help in big and small matters. If we are seeking the Lord in the small things God will lead us in both the small things and the big things. Thank the Lord for His wisdom that He has given to His church!
I. Right relationships (5:1-2)
A. The elders (vs.1-2)
B. The younger (vs.1-2)
II. Helping the needy (5:3-16)
A. Family first (vs.4-8)
B. Surrendered to God (vs.9-15)
1. A good testimony (vs.9-10)
2. A worldly heart (vs.11-13)
3. A godly widow (vs.14-16)
III. Honoring the leader (5:17-22)
A. Full support (vs.17-18)
B. Unprejudiced rebuke (vs.19-21)
C. Careful commendation (vs.22)
IV. Trusting God (5:23-25)
V. A good testimony (6:1-2)