September 24, 2023

9-24-23PM- “Right Relationships”

Series: ,
Passage: Matthew 7:1-6
Service Type:

Jesus changes us from the inside out. And that affects how we relate to those around us. We are not quick to condemn and judge others. We instead examine our own hearts before God. Then we desire to help those around us in their walk with God. Are you quick to condemn others but slow to see your own sin? Be humble and meek so that God can use you to help others in their walk with God.
I. Don't be quick to condemn others (vs.1-2)
  A. "Judge" (vs.1)
  B. You will be judged (vs.1-2)
II. Don't overlook your own faults (vs.3-4)
  A. See your own weakness first (vs.3)
  B. Take care of your own problem first (vs.4)
III. Help others in meekness (vs.5)
IV. Beware of fools (vs.6)
