August 13, 2023

8-13-23AM- “The Spirit of Life”

Series: ,
Passage: Romans 8:1-13
Service Type:

God has not left us alone to fight the battle with sin. The Holy Spirit of life is within us to lead us in righteousness and holiness. Let’s walk in the Spirit. Let’s mind the things of the Spirit. Let’s live as a slave to the Spirit.
I. Spiritual life (vs.1-4)
   A. No condemnation (vs.1)
   B. Free from the Law (vs.2)
   C. Sin condemned (vs.3)
   D. The righteousness of the Law (vs.4)
II. Spiritual thinking (vs.5-8)
   A. Spiritually minded (vs.5-6)
   B. Carnally minded (vs.7-8)
III. Spiritual service (vs.9-13)
   A. Christ is in you (vs.9-10)
   B. We have eternal life (vs.11)
   C. We are debtors to God (Vs.12-13)
